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The Musical Innertube

Don Rooney and John Timpane talk to people you'd talk to -- if you had a microphone!

Sep 26, 2023

Tons of "space junk" is floating around the earth, posing a danger to present and future space missions. Astronomer Chris Impey talks about the difficult task of removing that junk, and other cosmic challenges.

Sep 19, 2023

Magicians often band together for fun (and profit). Here are two members of the Artificial Wizards group, Kyle Purnell and Vince the Vaudevillian, talking about the shows and secrets they share. Magic in the making!

Sep 12, 2023

Here's more with Justin Timpane, who talks about making music at home, and why the Star Trek/Star Wars universes are running out of steam. Hear some of his music -- and, hey, get a free t-shirt!

Sep 11, 2023

It's been 22 years since terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. That means it's been 22 years since Mike Hingson and his guide dog Roselle got out of the first tower alive.

Sep 5, 2023

He's the man behind the "Ninjas Vs." trilogy of B-movies, as well as films like "The Christmas Cancellation" and "The Distanced." Justin Timpane shares what happens in the world of indie filmmaking. ALSO: listen to get a free T-shirt!