Jan 25, 2022
Holly would, and Mary did! Mary Lyon worked in Los Angeles radio for decades as a news and entertainment reporter. Here are some of the entertaining stories Mary gathered on the beat! (Don and John are just beat.)
Jan 18, 2022
"What a long, strange trip it's been." A phrase perfectly suited to Don and John, who are "deadheads" in EVERY sense of the word. Join our hosts as they walk you back through 50 episodes. (Just make sure you don't trip while walking backwards.)
Jan 11, 2022
How long to quarantine? Mask or no mask? Open schools or remote learning? Bioethicist Art Caplan answers all your COVID questions and says the messaging on COVID should be a little clearer and more direct. (You know, like John and Don, only not as silly.)
Jan 4, 2022
Like his contemporaries Edison and the Wright brothers, John Browning changed the world with his inventions. Nathan Gorenstein tells about the life and times of the genius who revolutionized how guns are made.