Dec 26, 2023
Ozempic is a drug intended to help diabetics. Is it okay to prescribe it for weight loss? Who's better equipped to handle abortions, doctors or legislators? Bioethicist Art Caplan looks at these and other medical issues
Dec 25, 2023
Merry Christmas! Here are holiday stories as warm as the kiss of an angel, and as stupid as your cousin Harry, who still believes mistletoe is a disease contracted by astronauts.
Dec 19, 2023
Most shrink from Shakespeare. His language is archaic and hard to understand. Behold! Carmen Khan is here to help you understand what the Bard is saying - and, more importantly, why he's saying it.
Dec 12, 2023
Why do we have Christmas trees and Christmas cookies? Where did the idea of Santa Claus originate? Is there really such a thing as "holiday hide the pickle?" Folklorist Cory Hutcheson tells all about holiday traditions!
Dec 5, 2023
At the end of every episode of The Musical Innertube, we thank virtual band Car Radio Dog for playing our theme music. Why? And what is a virtual band? Listen and find out!